Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30th, 2012

I come home from a hard day's work, and what to my wondering eyes should fiance is preparing tap water for long term storage in 2-liter soda bottles...
That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's another Friday night in Winslow!
Have you ever watched “Doomsday Preppers” on the National Geographic channel?  Wait a minute, before you start thinking that I’m off my rocker and decide that you’re going to stop reading my blog, let me tell you that I’m not exactly like “those people” on the show.  Not because I wouldn’t LOVE to have an underground bunker, stored with three years worth of food for insurance, but who can afford that!  I don’t necessarily think that there’s going to be a nuclear war, or volcanic eruption anytime soon.  I’m not even sure I’m convinced that on December 21st, 2012 the world, as we know it, will end…… and I even wrote a book about it (2012: The Last Entries)!
I did however live through a pretty massive ice storm in Tulsa several years ago. I didn’t have power for 11 days.  I didn’t have a fireplace, my house was all electric, and I didn't have a pantry stocked with food and water, so I was pretty much screwed.  Because things like this can happen, just as easily as solar flares or an economic collapse, I feel like I should be prepared for things that may or may not come.

That might sound crazy, but FEMA says you can store tap water for 6 months; so, wine or beer in hand, you clean the bottle with a simple bleach solution, rinse, and run lots and lots of water into soda bottles. It's recommended that you have 1 gallon per person, per day. So tonight we filled up about 10 gallons worth of water which will last the two of us about 5 days if the shhh hits the fan. 

On another note, when we wrapped that up, still no dinner on the table, but we did spend about 2 hours trying to take a picture in front of our Christmas tree, for our Christmas card. I'll be making the cards and envelopes myself this year, because I like to call myself crafty... BUT I started a tradition a couple years ago, when we bought our first house and sent photo cards, and I wanted to keep it going. While I tend to think that Damon dreads this yearly tradition that I bestowed upon him, we do try to have fun in the process, so this is our ode to one of our favorite Christmas movies, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, enjoy!
I apologize for the blurry image.....this wasn't planned but it gave us a laugh.
 And a few others that didn't make the cut for obvious reasons......
Bottom line.... It's another Friday Night in Winslow!
I bet you can't wait until next week......

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

The Friday after Thanksgiving and what do I find myself doing.....

It's eight o'clock at night, still exhausted from the planning, cooking, traveling, and eating involved in Thanksgiving day and I am sitting at my island in my kitchen in the little town of Winslow, Arkansas.  I didn't go Black Friday shopping but somehow find myself equally exhausted, I'm enjoying a cigarette and a red plastic cup of Chardonnay, I've already had a piece of fabulous left-over pumpkin pie and have yet to even think about dinner.  Instead, I've been pondering the thought of starting a blog and what people like to read on blogs.  My fiance and I have often made jokes of "another Friday night in Winslow", if you don't live here or have never heard of Winslow, you don't know that we are a small town (no big name restaurants or grocery stores, in fact we don't have a grocery store at all), and there is literally nothing to do here.  Don't get me wrong, I keep myself plenty busy, with remodeling our house, serving as treasurer on the board of a local non-profit, working full time, crafts, having three dogs, preparing for the possible end of the world, you know, all that every day stuff...... So the thought of adding yet another iron to my fire is crazy but I figured, what the hell, why not?  We often find ourselves doing some strange things on the weekend simply to entertain ourselves and we figured someone in this big world of ours, would enjoy laughing at our expense!

So here you are, the first Friday Night in Winslow!