Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday, April 25th, 2014

Ella Wheeler Wilcox, "There's no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder, or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."

So my birthday is coming up next week.... I'm going to be 32 and honestly, since I hit 30, I have had to literally do the math in my head to figure out how old I am when somebody asks! Lol! It took me until this year to stop saying I was 30 and then I'd quickly do the math in my head and then say, "Ah, I'm 31!". Maybe that's age or maybe it's just that I don't feel 31, okay almost 32!

Events such as birthdays often make us sit down and take count of our lives.  We look back at where we've been, what we've done, and many times, and we feel like we're not where we're "suppose to be".   Far too often we don't consider the many things we've done, the experiences we've had, and just the everyday things and people that have made us who we are.  Pondering such things lead me to the following:
50 shades of Christina

Who Am I?
I am a Christian,
A wife,
A companion,
A romantic,
A mother to two dog children,
A daughter,
A sister,
An aunt,
A cousin,
A friend,
An advocate for the poor,
A graduate,
A blogger,
A colleague,
A boss,
A social worker,
A writer,
A volunteer,
A determined mind,
A loving heart,
A board member,
A planner,
A candle-maker
A cook,
A coupon-er,
A gardener,
A DIY'er,
An organizer,
A prepper,
 An animal lover,
A clearance rack shopper,
A list maker,
A seamstress (though not very good......Yet!),
A budget maker,
A saver,
A renovator,
A wood-worker (with the help of my loving husband),
A lover,
And a fighter, 
A jewelry maker (just beginning),
A yoga every morning wannabe,
A hoarder (but only a little),
A bread-maker,
A camping in the cold junkie,
A bug hater (literally, most bugs terrify me!),
A rock collector,
A wine enthusiast,
A traveler,
A reader,
And a people watcher (I know that might sound funny but don't act like you haven't enjoyed just sitting in a coffee shop or bar and enjoyed just watching people and the things the do!).
So, the next time your soul searching, if you're on a journey to discover yourself, if you're getting older and wonder what you've done with your life, where you're going, and what will come next, just sit down and start writing who you are.  I have to admit, when I had the idea to do this, I thought it would be hard to come up with 50 things but I ended up at 50 and was still going.

You are so much more than you think, embrace your awesomeness!

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