Friday, January 22, 2016

January 8th, 2016

Ralph Marston: "Rest when you're weary.  Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit.  Then get back to work."

It's my first week back after a two week vacation and it was rough! I think people should be given a vacation to get over their vacation because it seems like no matter how little or how much time I take off, it's always super rough getting back in the swing of things!

Anyway, I've had a hell of a week so tonight, I do nothing!  That's right, me, Little Miss Can't Sit Still, is not doing a thing tonight. We have our usual work on the house and volunteer projects we have to do tomorrow but tonight is lazy, curl up on the couch, and binge watch some NCIS while sipping on an adult beverage.....or five.

We are currently on the 10th season of NCIS, I tried watching it a couple times but got so confused with all the CSI, NCIS, and multiple locations of both that I quickly gave up.  We're Criminal Minds fans and SVU fans, both of which are usually pretty fast paced so the first season of the NCIS, I wasn't that impressed.  I thought it could have much more to draw you in.  However, I'm glad we kept watching because it did pick up, it even seemed like the writing got better a couple seasons in.  Definitely going to keep watching!

Ok, that is already enough "work" for me, for my lazy night!

Until Next Time My Friends!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

New Years Eve 2015

Mark Twain: "Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough."

Well it's another year gone and we're bringing in the new year with tasty snack foods, wine, and a little later some champagne!  I don't know why, but we have been binge watching the Star Wars movies all day.  Actually I do know why, we never watched the new trilogy which is suppose to be the first three movies, and we wanted to go see the newest movie in theaters so we thought we'd finally sit down and watch them all back to back.

The first movie, actually it was the fourth movie........was horrible. I know you Star Wars fanatics are going to hate me but REALLY? I wouldn't want to sit through that if I was a twelve year old let alone a grown ass adult.  I literally made a list of all the things that sucked as I watched it.  I may have even contemplated suicide a time or two.  Maybe my heart just wasn't in it but I hated that movie! 

I don't want any nasty comments left for me so I won't go through my list of things that sucked and I will even admit, while the next two movies were nowhere near as good as the original three, they did get substantially better!

But for now, we take a break to watch the ball drop, make our resolutions, which are really just our resolutions from last year because we didn't actually accomplish them, and toast the New Year!

Here's hoping the New Year brings joy, love, and happiness to you all!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas 2015

Roy L. Smith: "He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."

It has hardly felt like Christmas with the warm weather we've been having but it's Christmas all the same!

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with Damon's family, tons of great food and fun.  Today, we're having another Christmas dinner with my family though I feel like I am still in a food coma from yesterdays meal!  We will carry on though, there's turkey and dressing, and of course pumpkin pie to be had!!

The Chicken Soup for the Soul book that I'm in, will be released 2/9/16 so don't forget to get a copy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!