Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June 27th, 2014

Author, James T. Mccay, "Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, but tomorrow is too often a repetition of today."

This week just seemed to really drag on, I am soooo glad it's Friday!

I know this is Friday Night in Winslow but I had to share what I saw on my way to work this morning....

How cute.... But I swear I almost killed myself trying to stop for them because I was going about 60MPH down the road, when they decided to cross!  So I had to do a quick check to make sure I still looked fabulous in my hat...

And, after work I had to do some shopping.  I am still trying to win Harp's Summer Game, the $250,000 of course.  Anyway, I was walking down an aisle in search of something that I had a coupon for and I saw this......

Pickled Eggs, really???  This is funny because for some reason Damon and I were talking about this the other day, how they used to be in bars or gas stations, I thought why in the world would anybody want to eat a pickled egg?  It must taste like a dirty sock!

Today seems to be the day of pictures, so here we go again, on my way home from work....

You have got to love living in the country and seeing wildlife all the time!!  At last, I finally get home to see that my silly dog, Strider, decided to hang out in the rain all day instead of staying in his dog house....

Can anyone say drowned rat??  Don't feel sorry for him, he purposely got out in the rain to make us feel sorry for him and let him in, it didn't work.

After all this excitement, we made some dinner and watched The Book Thief, not a happy ending like I like in my movies but still a pretty good movie!  We're hitting it early tonight because we have a friend coming over tomorrow and we are cooking a little birthday dinner for her. That's it for me, goodnight all!

If you can't enjoy today, you'll never enjoy tomorrow!

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