Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black Thursday, 2013

"It was once said that love was giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to."

Happy Thanksgiving all!!  I hope everyone enjoyed too much food, family and friends, happiness, and lots and lots of laughter today!

Our dinner went off without a hitch, good food and family is all you need on turkey day!  After eating and chatting, my brother broke out the Black Friday ads, but I stopped doing the whole Black Friday thing years ago.  The thought of fighting with people, getting your feet run over by baskets, getting pushed and shoved around, no parking spots, and waiting in ridiculously long lines just doesn't appeal to me anymore.

However, my mom and sister are staying over and they saw some things that were on sale tonight and my sister talked me into going with her for just a few things.  I figured it would be relatively painless and anything for my sis!

It wasn't as bad as it could have been but.............come on......really?

Yeah, look way down there and see all the boxes up in the air and all the people.  I think my sister is down there somewhere but I went about half way down and had some snotty girls yell "Excuse me!!!" as loud as they could from right behind me and believe me, it wasn't said to be polite.  The little you know what's thought everyone should get out of their way when literally, there was nowhere to move to.  Anyway, I told them to get over themselves and decided I should leave before I said or did something that would get me in trouble.

Leaving saved us a lot of time though, I made my way to the checkout side they had set up and my sister was on the other side.  So, she handed me her stuff and I went and got in a very short line.  I don't know exactly how Wal-Mart thought that herding people around the store was going to make things go smoother, I think it just slowed the process.  They literally wanted you to walk all the way around the store before you could go to the register.  Anyway, we didn't have to do that so yea us!

My advice, skip Thanksgiving sales and shop early, just be smart about it!!!

Just for fun:
Bought only $15.81 worth of food and household items last week, but after coupons and sales: Spent only $9.11 out of pocket.  

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