Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

As promised, here is my Saturday Night in Winslow!

So, typically we spend our Saturdays working on our house. We are in the middle of practically remodeling the entire place.  I promise to share some of those abosolutely hillarious stories in future posts, but that's what we started our Saturday doing.  Damon was painting some trim and I spent most of my day finishing our Christmas cards and trying to organize our pantry.

Around 4:30, we suddenly realized that the big town of Winslow was having it's annual Christmas Parade downtown at 5:00, so we rushed to finish up our projects and jumped in the car.  We made it downtown with just a few minutes to spare. It was great to see how many people actually showed up for the parade.  Our Winslow road sign says "Pop. 399".  While I argue that when we moved here, with our three dogs, the sign should have been changed to 404... but I digress.  There had to have been a couple hundred people that came to the parade, that's about 50%, pretty impressive for little ole Winslow.

Anyway, the whole thing only lasted about 10 minutes, but unlike other parades I've been to, we actually had elves with lit hats running and throwing candy, people on horseback, restored classic cars, and maybe some other cars that seemed to have just found their way into the procession on accident, and a couple lit-up floats.  We even had a truck bed (yes, just half a truck) being pulled by a tractor.  Oh, and how could I forget our volunteer fire department, with Santa in tow.  Actually, I think we had two Santa's, one probably half way through the parade, and the second riding the last fire truck, who graciously dismounted his fire engine sleigh to greet the kids in the crowd at the end.

On another note, as we were walking up to the parade route, we heard sirens and people yelling out to stand clear!  We thought this was the start of the parade, but in fact it was an ambulance rushing off to an emergency call.  Pretty sure everyone felt a little silly cheering them as they sped through downtown.  God be with them on their way to whomever they were trying to help.

So, 20 minutes later, we're home.  We play with the dogs for a few minutes and come on inside for more entertainment.  What did we do with the rest of our Saturday night?  Wait for it...... We made a quick dinner of hamburgers and homemade pasta salad and we sat down to watch old episodes of a great 80's/90's TV show, Quantum Leap.  If you haven't seen it, don't knock it, most of what is on TV now is pure crap so we look elsewhere for our entertainment!

Yeah, that's it...... Hope you come back next week!

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